Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Last day of October

Today is the last day of October and it sure doesn't feel like fall/winter here.  I'll be glad to be back to experience the change of seasons.  Technically here we do have a dry season and a rainy season, but this rainy season has been pretty dry.  The only difference is a slight change in temperature.  It's been a little cooler in the evenings, but during the day it's still pretty hot.  The dry season is almost unbearably hot though.  Well, it should be an interesting transition to winter in the US.  I'm looking forward to it though. 

Last night I went through more things in my room to organize--things to leave in the PC office for other PCVs, things I will send home, things I will take with me, and then trash I guess.  I'm trying to get everything ready to go since I don't have much time left here and Frank's dad is coming to visit next week so I'll be out and about with them :)

I know I will miss Nicaragua and all its peculiarities, but right now I'm just super anxious to move on with things and start a new chapter in my life.  I really hope to return to Nicaragua some day.  It's funny because everyone I say goodbye to says one of two things: "so you're never coming back to Nicaragua" or they ask "when are you coming back to Nicaragua".  Both are sad and kinda awkward, but I always have the same response: "I will come back to Nicaragua someday in the future.  I don't know when, but I will be back." 

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