Sunday, October 21, 2012

Leaving Dario

I had to say goodbye to Frank's family today and wow, goodbyes are hard!  They made a special lunch to have with me before I left and it was nice to sit and chat for awhile.  I can't believe that I already had to say goodbye to them.  They're such a sweet family and I will miss them dearly.  I teared up a bit and we took some pictures quickly before all the waterworks. 

with Frank's host mom
with Maia looking at a book my mom sent
with Carolina (Maia's mom)--she's pregnant with twins & due in March!

all sad to say goodbye (the aunt slipped in for the picture too)
Frank walked me to the bus stop and we were talking about goodbyes and such.  I'm so glad I'll be seeing him on Wednesday for PC stuff so I don't have to be "alone" after that goodbye.  I'm in Boaco now, and I don't know how I'm going to say goodbye to my family... I still have a few more weeks to figure that one out though.

1 comment:

  1. Yes , goodbyes are really hard!! But it does make those HELLO's, that much sweeter..
