Thursday, August 25, 2011

Feeling good

Day four of my exercise routine: it's going well and I'm feeling good.  A little sore, yes, but I'm feeling better about myself.  Frank has also started exercising--doing some exercises at home and running.  It's been fun so far because we've been talking about our exercises together so it's encouraging.  I would like to get into running here, but anyone who knows anything about Boaco, knows that is ridiculous.  There are practically no flat areas here.  Out past my instituto on the highway there is a long, flat stretch of road but that’s 20 minutes from my house and ON the highway so really not that safe.  Kind of a bummer, because I would really like to get back into running.  There’s a race up north in February or something like that and Frank and I might do that together.  I gotta get running somewhere though.  Anyway, this exercising is definitely having a positive effect on me and I’m hoping to keep with it. 

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