Sunday, September 30, 2012

Last day of September...

Wow!  I really can't believe how quickly time is going by.  I keep finding myself at another weekend, another chain to remove from the link, another month to mark off the list.  It's crazy, but I'm glad the end of my service is almost here.  I'm excited for our post-PC travel & then getting home to see family & friends :)

This time two years ago I was already missing home, but looking forward to the new adventures and thinking about where my possible site might be.  Never would I have imagined becoming a godmother of my little "nephew".  It's been so incredible being a part of this family and seeing Ruth through her pregnancy and watching Dyland grow.  My family seems sad that I'm leaving but I always tell them that I will be back to visit sometime.  They don't believe me.  I think that's how it goes though since visitors don't usually find the time to come back.  Well, I want to make it my goal to come back and visit my family here.  They've been a big part of my life here and I think it would be great to come back and visit some day.  It will be interesting to see if Dyland will remember me. 

Well, tomorrow starts a new week, a new month, in fact the last whole month I will have here in Nicaragua.  Ok, it's starting to feel real now.  I wonder how I will feel when it gets closer to saying goodbye.  It's always hard to say goodbye, but harder when you know it's going to be a long time until you see each other again.  I remember saying goodbye to my parents in the airport and I started to tear up when we got to security.  I felt fine before, a little anxious, but when we got to the security line I thought "This is it.  I'm leaving and I don't know when I'll see my parents again."  It hit me suddenly that my life was going to be changing drastically and I was moving into the unknown--something very scary for me.  But, I pulled myself together and tried to rest in the comfort of knowing that this would be an incredible experience for me and that I would be meeting new people and learning new things.  It's difficult to describe all that I've gone through so far, but it has definitely been life changing and I'm thankful for the new perspectives I've gained and the new people I've met (especially Frank!).  I feel truly blessed to have had this experience and to be with the people here.  Things have certainly been difficult at times, but these circumstances only help me to become a better person and more able to overcome difficulties in the future.  I'm so thankful for my family visiting me and coming to see what life is like here in Nicaragua--it was really neat having them here to experience things with me and see a little into my life as a PCV. 

It will be very difficult to go home and answer everyone's questions about my service here & the culture in Nicaragua.  There are many stories I can tell, but to make them understand what it's really like here & to help them see what I experienced is impossible.  There are so many special things I've shared with fellow PCVs and Nicaraguans that will certainly remain in my heart, and I'm really glad that I've had Frank by my side through all of this. 

Before I get too sentimental, I'll wrap things up and save the emotions for later on.  Oh I know it's going to be hard. 

Something to make you smile:

1 comment:

  1. He always makes me smile..We will have to skype soon.I want to see your smiling face too>
