Thursday, September 13, 2012

Counting down the days

Now that my countdown chain has fallen to a number below 10 (weeks), I guess I can begin a countdown by days.  Officially, it's just 9 weeks to go til I'm done with my service here, which means just 63 days!  Crazy!  I still have a lot to get done before I leave and it's getting real now--can't believe I'm leaving Nicaragua so soon.  Time sure flies by!


  1. I don't know about flying.I think time has been draGGING.missing you...

  2. Haha I know what you mean! I guess just right now it feels like it's passing by quickly...

  3. Excited to see your new adventure! You need to see about printing this all out and keeping it as a journal for your kids someday. :)

  4. Definitely was planning on it! I need to find a good company that I can "publish" it without paying hundreds of dollars since it's so long! haha We will see :)
