Friday, September 14, 2012

Speaking of creepy crawlies...

Well, I didn't quite get away from those little pests just yet!  Being at Frank's brought out new creatures.  His house has been experiencing a mouse problem every once in awhile.  They blame the neighbors because their patio has long grass and they don't take care of the area, which makes sense, but sucks that they have to pay for their neighbor's lack of care.  Hmmm, so I was cooking last night in Frank's kitchen and I heard some scratching from the shelving unit so I notified the lady of the house that I thought I heard a mouse.  She confirmed it by showing me with a flashlight a mouse hiding behind the shelves.  Yuck.  Just what I want to see while I'm cooking :(  Well, I tried to push that out of my mind and finish cooking and got out of the kitchen as soon as possible to enjoy our dinner outside on their clean patio :)

Frank's family set a trap on the counter (gross) and the waiting game began.  They tend to put rat poison on the counter too and sometimes it falls on the floor--not a good idea with a dog and small children cruising the area...

This morning when we went in to make breakfast we found out that the rat (yeah, too big to be a mouse) was caught and now dead, thankfully.  The family has a weird tradition of killing rodents though.  Whether it's in the trap or caught and put in a plastic bag, they just leave it out in the sun until it dies.  Gross again.  Yeahhhh...sorry if you didn't want to read that, but I had to see it, so deal with it.

I choked down my breakfast while trying to put that image far far away in my memory and then played cards with Frank which drew my mind away from the disgusting yuckiness of what was behind the shelf.  Glad to be in Boaco this weekend, until I see the first cockroach. 


  1. not even sure what to say here.............

  2. hahaha yeah I should have warned you not to read this post ;)
