Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What a weekend!

This was a long weekend which was super nice to have.  It was one of those weekends where you lose track of what day it is and what obligations you have the following day or week.  Loved it.  Especially because I got to spend it with my main man.  And main man, I mean my only man...don't worry!

We spent lots of time planning out post-PC travels, watching movies, cruising around town running errands, and of course making & eating delicious food!  I usually don't make anything extravagant, especially when I'm just cooking for myself.  Let's be honest, I've been known to just snack all day or eat a peanut butter & jelly sandwich or a bag of popcorn as a meal.  This is not just because I feel lazy, but sometimes I just can't think of what my body wants.  Hmm, weird.  Anyway, it's much easier when Frank's around.  Well, not a ton easier, because we both can be very indecisive and we tend to fall into the "well, do you want this? Well only if you do..." back and forth nonsense haha  Frank is pretty easygoing and I like to make sure everything is ok for the other person--people pleaser?  Well, sorta.  So, we sometimes take awhile to figure things out, but in the end it's usually a good thing :) 

We made some scrumptious fare I might say and even managed to bake cookies without my host family eating all of them!  That was mainly because we stood guard over our cookies the second they came out of the oven and only indulged in them when the others weren't around.  Is that mean?  Oh no, not at all.  These cookies are cherished and if my host family gets ahold of them, they're gone in 30 seconds.  I don't think they even take the time to thoroughly enjoy them.  Ok, maybe I'm talking to much about cookies, but really did make some yummy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with crunchy peanut butter.  Then, to add to the delight, we saved some for later, picked up vanilla ice cream, and made ice cream cookie sandwiches.  Oh yes.  They were amazing and we enjoyed every last bit of them while watching movies and eating popcorn :)  Man, if I could just watch movies, eat popcorn & ice cream all my life, I'd be a happy girl.  Glad I found someone who loves the same things!

To prove that it wasn't all just eating & playing, here's a picture of our post-laundry adventure:

I pretty much made Frank bring all of his dirty clothes and both sets of sheets over to wash in my washing machine and this was him after collecting all the clothes from the lines outside.  After all the laundry was folded, we got back to all the fun :)

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