Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Early Morning

Today was a very early morning--it still is actually.  I'm at camp for high school students right now and these Nica high schoolers are nothing like American high schoolers when it comes to morning routines...  They are not the kind to roll out of bed and into the classroom.  These kids get up WAY too early to take a cold shower before the sun rises in the chilly morning.  So the rule for camp mornings is supposed to be lights out until at the earliest 5:30am (for 6:45am breakfast).  Well, I woke up at 4am this morning, not because I was feeling cheery, but because the girls were already awake, chatting, and running to the showers.  4AM!!!!????  I had to get up to tell them to be quiet, turn their lights off, and to not take showers in the boys bathroom. 

The way the rooms & bathrooms are set up is kind of weird, but basically there are 2 dorm style rooms for the boys (17 & 18 boys in each room) and they have bathrooms next door to their rooms, but only toilets & sinks.  Their showers are actually over near one set of the girls' rooms, which happens to be right next to my room so I got a lot of noise this morning.  The girls in my section (2 rows) have to walk over to the other girls section (which really isn't too far) to use the girls' bathroom with showers.  Well, some girls thought since they were up at 4am it would be ok to take a shower in there since there were no boys, but ya never know who might be roaming around that early so I had to kick them out.

Well, I'm definitely NOT a morning person, as most of you know.  I set my alarm for 6am since breakfast starts at 6:45am and we just have to walk about 50ft to the cafeteria.  However, I've been up since 4am and haven't been able to get back to sleep through the giggles, morning chatting, and shower line yelling.  The boys are lined up outside the showers and the counselors are reminding them to take quick showers.  I can't even stand the thought of taking a cold shower this early since I'm almost shivering just sitting outside with my computer in jeans & a sweater.  Yikes! 

Well, let's hope I can get to bed much earlier tonight (and maybe take a nap during midday break??) because I'm going to be tired today! I considered just locking the doors to the bathrooms and not letting anyone in until 5:30 or even 6am, but there probably would have been a lot of whining. ;)  I really wish I had brought my earplugs to camp...


  1. Earplugs.......I think I tried to give you a few extra pairs....Anyway,,it all sounds like fun,fun,fun..Enjoy before you head back to the Boaco routine..Love ya,,

  2. I do have earplugs; they're just in Boaco :(
