Thursday, August 2, 2012


Today I went to the monthly teacher meeting at the public school with all the teachers in the Boaco schools.  When we broke up into our subject area groups I found out that the teacher that I was helping with the English class at the seminary took over some classes from an English teacher at a private school.  This teacher was not very happy with the situation since a religion teacher was taking over her English classes and reducing her to teaching half time.  It made for a super awkward situation since she was expressing her frustration and the new teacher was there too.  Then, she asked me to talk outside of the class and asked me about teaching with the Access program because she needs more hours.  I told her I could give her the contact info for the program coordinator and we went back into the classroom.  She then came over to my desk and gave me a paper with her contact info on it and turned to Edwin and said, "Since you won't call me back, she can".  Awkward :/  I guess Edwin never passed on her information to the Access program coordinator because he wanted to teach it still...Then Edwin talked to me later outside and mentioned that he wanted to continue teaching. 

Later this afternoon the new teacher texted me asking me for the topics he needs to teach for his new classes, but I didn't know so I told him to ask the other teacher since she taught the class before.  He then texted back that he couldn't ask her because of the tension between them.  Awkward.  That's going to make for a very difficult semester since they're the only 2 English teachers at the school and we have these meetings every month.  I felt like I was put in the middle of a little too much drama today.  Yuck. 

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