Friday, March 23, 2012

Passing the time

Frank is so lucky.  About twice a month or so, this girl cleans his room, his bathroom, sweeps, and even does his laundry!  She's so great!  It's a good thing too because he lets his room get pretty dirty...  This girl is awesome!  She even cleaned the toilet today and washed all of his dirty clothes (even the ones that were just lying around on the floor).  Wow, she is amazing.  Ok, have you found out that "this girl" is me, yet, or should I throw in a couple more sweet adjectives?  So, Frank has been in Managua today for appointments (I hope this is almost over for his sanity and mine) and he promised me he wouldn't have to stay overnight and would be back to Dario tonight.  He's on his way, just late.

When I was on my way over I was thinking, what am I going to do with my time while I'm there.  Well, I did plan to Skype with a friend in the late afternoon so then he would probably get home shortly after that.  Hmmm, when I opened the door to Frank's room and saw a fairly dirty floor, books strewn about, and clothing lying where he must have changed, I knew my time would not be wasted.  I cleaned up the clothes and books, then asked his family for the broom and cleared out all the dust--these tile floors sure get dusty! As I was finishing sweeping, Frank's host mom comes to the door with a small bag of bleach and hands it to me.  She said she'd be back with a toilet brush so I could clean the toilet too, since she has back problems now and can't clean it--wait, his host mom has been cleaning his toilet?  Yeah, she sneaks in and cleans his room when he's gone for the weekend sometimes too.  So, I took the supplies and got to work.  While I was in the bathroom I realized that his dirty clothes basket was almost full.  Really?  Didn't I just wash all your clothes in my laundry machine last weekend??  I decided to take those out and let them soak while I tried taking a short nap in the hammock.

I was startled awake by Skype ringing, but it was too early for my Skype date, so I was confused.  It was another friend whom I had called earlier today and had left her a message.  So, we chatted for about a half an hour which was nice to catch up and then my stomach was growling since a pb&j doesn't quite fill the belly, so I had to get going.  Also, my Skype date was quickly approaching and I realized I still had laundry to do.  I did a couple clothing items and then it was time to chat with my bestie from home--Laura.  I was really excited to see her and her baby who is a little over 2 months old.  So sad I can't be there with them and play, but it sure is nice to have Skype. We got some good chatting in and then it was time for the baby to nap and for me to finish laundry (hand-washing of course).

Frank was not having much luck in Managua between taxis and waiting for people everywhere he went.  Poor guy.  So, he called me at about 5:45pm and told me he finally got on a bus, which means he wouldn't be here until 7:30pm or so.  Yikes!  Well, I had all the laundry done and I was starving again.  I don't know why those two spoonfuls of peanut butter didn't curb my hunger for long.  I had to get something to eat, but I wanted to wait for Frank because I knew he'd be so hungry by the time he got back.  Considering he is not supposed to be eating anything wild right now, only simple foods, I just decided to buy some things from the local eatery instead of whipping up something fancy (since I'm so good at that anyway).  I bought some plates of food so we definitely had something to eat when he finally got home and stored them in the fridge awaiting his arrival.

Oh, I can't wait for Frank to get better and to be able to eat whatever he wants, which means I then can eat anything I want around him and then we'll be so happy again! haha Really I just want him to get better because he's pretty sick and frustrated with it all and who likes to be around a grumpy person all day anyhow?  Ok, I'm just kidding.  I love him, even though sometimes he's a bit whiny, but hey, aren't we all sometimes?  :)

So, I had dinner hot and ready when Frank came home and just look at what he picked up for me in Managua!  What a sweetheart :)


  1. You're a sweet girlfriend! Don't do too much for him or he's gonna get used to it ;) The flowers are beautiful!

  2. Hahaha I rounded up a few items of clothing of his for him to wash today ;) And yes, the flowers are beautiful--so glad I can enjoy them at my house too!
