Saturday, October 8, 2011

Passing through

I'm in Dario this weekend again because I have a meeting up in Matagalpa tomorrow so might as well stop by Frank's on the way there, right?  :) 

Also, something interesting this weekend, a friend from back home told me her friend was traveling through Nicaragua and asked for any suggestions of places to visit.  I gave her my email address and we wrote back and forth and she actually came to Dario today and hung out with us.  Frank's friend even took us up into the church bell tower for an amazing view of Dario and the surrounding hills. Tomorrow, we're all going up to Matagalpa together.  She's really nice and it's been fun so far.  It's neat to have someone visit from the States and share our experiences here with them. 

I'm excited to go up to Matagalpa tomorrow because it's a cool place to hang out with friends and there are some good restaurants and coffee shops.  I'll be planning a charla, but we're meeting at this nice coffee shop that has wi-fi and AC!  Yay :)  Can't wait!

Orange chicken dish that Frank & I made for out 6 month "anniversary" dinner :)

Candlelit--so romantic hehe

Very happy to be together
Wedding from last weekend

Wedding cakes

Fresh squeezed orange juice Mmmm :)

Church bell tower in Dario

Climbing up the old wooden stairs...

Huge open windows and quite a view

1 comment:

  1. Great photos..and way to stay up to date on the blog..Looking forward to our visit...We are at less than 2 monthes to go now..Am soooo excited to see you again,,,and of course to meet Frank..Is he scared yet??love you,,,
