Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Sorry blog followers!  I haven't really thought about my blog lately.  My mother must not have sent me any emails or text reminders.  Hmm...gonna have to get after her for that ;)

Anyway, not much has been going on since I last posted.  One thing cool though: I visited Frank last weekend and the little girl that lives at his house (she's 1 1/2) can now say MY name :)  Yay!  She says "ank" for Frank, but she actually got Megan!  Wow!  I was so happy.  It's precious hearing her say my name.  One day when I was there she called out "Megan" and I turned around and she waved and said "hola".  It touched my heart.  I can't even think how wonderful it is for your own child to say your name, or mommy/daddy.  Something to look forward to in the way beyond future haha  But, I'll settle for this now. 

Let's see...this week is my last week of community classes because I have to give some charlas in November which conflict with class days and the elections biz kinda messes up everything.  Then, December my folks are coming down here again, but this time with my gramps & my bro.  Super exciting!!!  Can't wait for that :)  THEN, I'll be going to the States with Frank to be with his family which wraps up December and begins January.  Wow, it's almost 2012...yikes!  Ok, I won't get too ahead of myself. 

Today I taught two AWESOME lessons if I say so myself haha  My counterpart complimented my lessons and told me that he wishes his class was like mine.  Well, it is OUR class & I tried to encourage him to teach as much as possible, but sometimes it's good for me to model a lesson and for him to repeat in another class.  Anyway, I felt super because I finally got to teach with him after so long (this isn't my MIA counterpart...) instead of "observing" (sitting & staring at the wall) the other classes.  The kids were totally into the lessons and he even commented on that as well.  Yay!  Hopefully he'll listen to more of my ideas.  I feel like I've said this before.  Wow, it has been a roller coaster of a school year!

It's close to the end of the school year and I'm actually very thankful for that because I'm really looking forward to a "do-over" haha  I feel like I came in a little unprepared and now that I kinda know how the school year goes (tons of vacay & fiesta fiesta), I'll have a better idea of how planning can go.  Also, I know my counterparts much better and can use that to my advantage.  It's great that we are much more comfortable with each other and we can communicate better as well.  Hope for a good school year (and overall good year) in 2012! 

I think that good energy from the lessons kept with me throughout the day.  I felt like doing a lot of things.  I washed my mosquito net (in the washing machine--it said I could), went to the bank to pick up my rent & internet money for next month, stopped by the thrift store and bought a couple of cool things for super cheap, bought some nails & fixed my mosquito net (I've always hated how low it was & I finally did something about it) & also fixed my "clothesline"--an old shoe lace strung between two nails where I put my "hang-up" items (nice shirts, pants, skirts), I put up some maps I wanted to put up for awhile, re-arranged my pictures & wall decor, and I'm trying to get myself to clean my bathroom, but I don't wanna do too much in one day ;)  We'll see!

I gotta get back to my book.  I've recently found an online organization tool which totally rocks my socks, but it's super duper addicting and I could seriously spend all hours of the day online, but that's just bad for my back...  Darn wooden chair.  I just saw my book on my desk & I've made a lot or progress and now I wanna get back into it because I really do LOVE it :)  It's "Pride & Prejudice" by the way.  So romantic--LOVE LOVE LOVE!  Ok, I'm gonna get off this computer now & get back to my three-dimensional world. Peace!


  1. oh dont think I didnt notice how long it had been since the last post!!!But, every once in a while I like to cut you just a little bit of slack..not too much thou....good job,,,love ya

  2. haha Yeah, I thought it was weird because no one had said anything...I almost forgot about my blog! Love you :)
