Sunday, February 20, 2011

Uneventful Weekend

I was thinking of visiting some friends this weekend, but those plans changed Friday morning when I developed stomach cramps and yes, diarrhea. I went to the lab to do the test and had to come home and wait for a couple hours for the results. I hate that process—while feeling miserable, you have to go down to the lab and drop off the specimen, then wait anxiously at home for 2 hours to get the results (while still feeling miserable), then get the results and call the PC doctors to ask them what’s wrong. Well, my results came back negative for bacteria, but something about bad digestion…I’m still not exactly sure what it said as it was in Spanish and that was the best definition I could get from several people. Obviously it was some sort of bad digestion otherwise I would not be feeling so crappy. With no real diagnosis, I was left to “wait it out” with instructions to drink rehydration salts to keep hydrated. Ugh! I hate that stuff and it just reminds me of drinking those for 4 days when I had that horrible bacterial infection before.

The stomach cramps and (um) diarrhea continued through the next day so I went to the lab again and then got the same results. So frustrating! I called the PC doctor and talked to a different one this time and he pretty much had the same response, but I asked if there was anything that could help because I had stomach cramps and very low energy because I couldn’t really eat much besides crackers and a piece of toast. He told me I could get some pills that regulate bacteria…so it was off to the pharmacy for me!

I still don’t feel 100% but I have been able to eat more :) However, every time I start to eat something, even though I feel really hungry, my stomach tells me “No!” So, I’ve been taking it easy and eating small portions every few hours. It’s difficult too because I can’t eat any dairy products because those react badly with any bacteria related issues. So many things have milk in them…like my ice cream in the freezer that’s been calling my name since Thursday night :(

Well, what was supposed to be a fun-filled weekend with friends turned into a weekend of bed-surfing, endless TV sessions, and long naps (with frequent trips to the bathroom). Not what I wanted, but it could be worse, right?

I’m not sure yet if I’ll be going to school tomorrow since my stomach just doesn’t feel right and my energy is low. I think that 7am bus will come too early. I hate missing things, but I want to feel better before getting on that bus and being in a classroom full of students only to feel miserable and leave early.


  1. Thanks :) I do feel much better... My stomach still feels a little weird, but at least I can eat and go out and do things :)
