Monday, July 4, 2011

American in Nicaragua

So there weren't any hamburgers and hotdogs at our 4th of July celebration (although we did have hamburgers for lunch at a local restaurant) but a good time was had by all. 

First, we headed up to Esteli and stopped at one of our favorite places right outside of town, La Casita.  It has yummy homemade wheat bread, delicious cheeses (brie, swiss, and a yogurt one), veggies, fresh honey and jams, and a wonderful environment in the beautiful gardens.  We hung out there and waited for everyone to catch up as we snacked on breads, cheeses, teas, and hot chocolates.  They have some fun souvenirs there too.  I bought a neat decorative wooden puzzle.

After our late lunch, we grabbed a cab into town to find our hostel—we had reserved a large “dorm room” for our group of 9.  It’s nice being able to all be together.  We splurged a little on dinner, getting some good drinks and some comfort food—lasagna, cheese burgers and fries, etc.  

Man playing music for us at dinner

This is my friend Sam.  He's from Oregon and is a Ducks fan so I got him an OSU shirt to cover up his Ducks one :)  He was a good sport.
 The next day we casually made our way up to Ocotal, Nueva Segovia (the farthest north I’ve been in Nicaragua.  It’s only about 30 minutes away from the Nicaraguan-Honduran border.  A group of PCVs that live up there organized a party at a local bar that had several tables to set up a night of American fun for us. 
Before the party though, we toured the town and found it to be quite beautiful, with a nicely manicured central park.  

We also checked out some thrift stores as some of the PCVs hadn’t yet gotten their red, white, and blue garb for the party.  As it started to get dark, the flag colors came out and we are met up at the bar to start celebrating the great US of A :)


After our celebration was over and it was time to go home, Sam and I stayed at Frank’s place because Sunday travel isn’t easy (usually slower and fewer buses).  It happened to be the fiestas patronales in Frank’s town so we got to see the last bit of that before day turned into night.

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