Monday, May 9, 2011


Oh, I forgot to mention in my last post that among all the crazy busyness as of lately, we have not had running water in about 2 weeks!  Yikes :(  We have filled up some buckets when the water comes to spigot in the kitchen, but we're running out.  Not fun.  Glad I went to Frank's this weekend and could take a real shower (yes, still cold).  :)


  1. Hi Kiddo; We have plenty of water here in Oregon (smile). You want Granps to come down there and straighten out your internet server? We are glad that you are back bloging. It looks like you may have some moister coming your way lets hope so. Love you

  2. I had a dream that it rained last night, but this morning checked and nothing yet. It's predicted to rain in Managua, but I'm an hour and a half east in the drier area so we'll see!
