Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sick baby swimming

**Warning to those who have weak stomachs**

Today was quite boring in the morning.  My counterparts were both out of school so I didn't have class, but being at home wasn't much fun either because the power went out and we didn't have any water!  Double ugh!  I remember about this time last year when we were lacking water and it is not fun.  Well, this afternoon, Ruth suggested that we go to the hot springs place that has pools with warm water and we finally convinced my host mom to go after getting our cousin to agree to take us in his taxi.  Well, right before the cousin showed up, Dyland had a little diaper explosion that smelled real bad, and then he threw up his lunch.  Apparently Ruth gave him too much food, which really doesn't surprise me--have you noticed how big that child is?!  Well, we still decided to go even though Dyland looked a little weary.  He sat on my lap and was pretty sleepy the whole ride.  Ruth had him because he got a little fussy and he threw up a little more.  Bummer.  We continued on to the hot springs and got all ready. 

Dyland looked excited to see water and was eager to get in.  I took him around in the pool a little and then Ruth joined in too.  He was completely fine in the pool and flapped his arms around slapping the water.  It was pretty cute.  After we had played for about an hour and a half or so, they took him out to change him and my host mom sat with him and gave him a bottle of milk--mistake!  He pretty much drank it all, then pretty much threw it all up--not all of it though, he saved the rest for the car ride home.  Yep, more throwing up in the car, a lot of throwing up in the car.  Thankfully for our cousin, he just threw up all over Ruth and we had a large towel from swimming to catch the rest.  I did not get any of the shrapnel, but I did help catch some in the towel and clean up as much as I could.  Poor little guy.  Hope he feels better!

We got home and I checked the faucets for water but there wasn't any, and then I remembered the spigot in the kitchen and checked that for water.  YES!  Water!  So we quickly filled up some buckets and then let the rest rise up to the roof to fill our pila.  Hopefully we'll be back to washing hands and dishes like normal by tomorrow :)

Here are some pictures of the little guy enjoying the water in between sick fits.


P.S.  I was holding Dyland this evening while Ruth got some things ready and we gave him a bottle of rehydration salts in water and he was really calm and almost fell asleep.  He almost finished the bottle, then he threw it all up on me, then all over the floor next.  It's a good thing it was just water, sugar, and salt, and then also that they have tile floors :)

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