I've been really craving Mexican food lately--Nica food is not even close to Mexican food (besides the rice and beans). So, I decided I was going to make enchiladas (with the sauce my parents brought me), guacamole, and pico de gallo salsa. Frank was supposed to be coming over this weekend so I was really looking forward to making him a delicious dinner (and mojitos for drinks and a mango dessert), but unfortunately, he had to go to Managua again because of his latest skin rash reappearing. Bummer! I was really sad not to be able to hang out with Frank and, I had already bought all the supplies for our delicious dinner :( When he first called me, he told me he had to go to Managua (yesterday) for an appointment but he would come here today. Well, another bummer... He called me and the doctor apparently told him he has to stay until Monday. Ugh! Also, it's Dyland's birthday today, so we're getting things ready for the party tomorrow so I couldn't go visit him in Managua. Definitely NOT the weekend I was expecting. It's hard only seeing Frank on weekends, but then when other things happen and we don't get to see each other, it makes it even harder. Wow! We don't live that far away from each other (2 1/2-3 hours by buses), but it really is like a long distance relationship and it's hard. It especially sucks when my host family asks me why I'm here and Frank isn't, or why I'm not going to Dario to visit him. Ugh. I don't too well when all plans are pulled out from under me and I have to start from scratch with nothing. I like to plan ahead and I like to do things fun for people and I get super excited about it. I'd been planning this special Mexican dinner & such for Frank & me for about 2 weeks and then wham bam! it's all gone. I know, I know, we can do it another time. But, it's the fact that I had it in my mind that I was going to see my special someone and do something special for him and we were going to be together for the weekend and celebrate Dyland's birthday, and on and on and on...
Well, I thought I was learning to just go with what happens and figure it out from there, but this one suckered punched me and left me lying on the floor for awhile.
I did end up making guacamole and salsa today, which turned into a delicious layered dip where I added refried beans, grated cheese, and a makeshift sour cream. It's just not as fun to sit there and eat a party food by yourself though. I shared some with my host family because they love my famous "guacamole mexicana". I'm glad I can share things with them and make them happy :) They even want me to make guacamole for the party tomorrow. We'll see...that's a pretty big undertaking, but I think I can do it. I hope the others like it as much as my family does. Nicas make something called guacamol (without the "e" sound), where they just chop up avocado and hardboiled eggs and mix it up. For some reason that mix just doesn't gel with me and I'm not a big fan of it. Glad I knew how to make guacamole!

Anyway, Frank is off in Managua chillin' in a hotel room for the weekend in the AC with internet, TV, and hot showers, but I'm sure it's not as glamorous as it sounds. He hasn't been using the hot water because of the rash, but the AC does help him cool down--the rash gets worse in the heat which is a major bummer as we enter into the hot/dry season here. I really hope he gets better soon, because he's just a sad little puppy when he's sick and I really miss him :(
Dyland is 1 today :) |
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