Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's all about the ladies today...

Yes, it's International Women's Day so hug a lady & buy her some flowers--hint to Frank ;)  haha 

The kids at school all said "felicidades" to the female teachers (and even the girl students), but they were asking me how to say that in English.  It means "congratulations", but that isn't quite fitting, so I told them to say "Happy Day" or "Happy Women's Day".  It just seemed odd to say congratulations, I don't know...

Anyway, we had a little party for the women and ate ice cream and played music.  It was nice.  They also gave out little pink ribbons for all the ladies to wear.  It's funny because I don't remember ever celebrating Women's Day in the U.S., but I think it should be more popular :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Women's day should be more popular. We won't be here if it weren't for women. Remember, "behind every successful man is a strong woman," and many times women aren't appreciated or given that recognition. Happy Women's Day!
