Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Swimming Hole

This past weekend when Frank was visiting, one of my counterparts invited us to go to his daughter’s birthday party.  The original plan was to go to the hot springs place, but then they changed it to a swimming hole a little farther up the road.  They were taking their truck so we hitched a ride and went along.  It turned out to be a neat little place and it looked beautiful.  The water wasn’t exactly “clean”, but it was swim-worthy…there were lots of small fish too and some of them took some bites at the freckles on Frank’s back haha  He survived though.  

There was a little playground at the place and Frank was in love with the see-saw begging me to play.  We had some good laughs and thrills. 

Then it was piñata and cake time!

Birthday girl taking some swings

I think the piñata was bigger than him!

We had a great time—it was certainly nice to get out of Boaco and see something new, if only for a couple hours…

Frank's got me beat on that tan...

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like a swim in a lake to remind you thats its summer.Glad you had a nice ,relaxing time.We enjoyed our visit from Ty,now looking forward to our visit with you.Love you tons and miss you more.
