Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ready for the weekend!

Well, at least I think I'm ready.  I'm pretty exhausted from all the band parades and performances from today and yesterday.  It's been soooooo HOT HOT HOT that it's making me so tired!  Yesterday I was at the parade for about 3 hours and then today I was at the performances for 5 hours.  Yes, 5 hours and most of it was standing...  I'll be posting some pictures soon, but I have no energy right now.  After I "relaxed" a little today, I had to make brownies and cookies for a little going away party I'm going to this weekend in Leon and had to plan an American culture lesson for tomorrow morning before I leave.  Ugh!  I wish I hadn't agreed to teach the lesson during vacation, but I guess that's just the way things go sometimes.  Frank is giving a charla this weekend so he can't really go anywhere so that's a major bummer.  He was also invited to the party, but can't make it :(  I'll see him Sunday though.  Welp, that's all I can get out tonight.  I'm ready to hop right into bed and slip into a deep sleep.  Sweet dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Its been overcast and cool here the last few days...almost light coat weather...wish we had some more heat...Hope it cools a little for you soon.LOve you so...
