Saturday, September 24, 2011


This weekend is unlike most of my weekends.  Although it just started, I have a sense of where it might take me.  It began sort of hectic with me running around to get things done, but as the sun began to settle things quickly slowed down and got quiet.  Yes, the power was out so that was part of it, but I drank in the stillness and relished in my moments of freedom, with no hint of obligation.  My body is tired and I'm glad to have some rest.  I'm a night owl by nature so I kept myself up a little late, but not because I was planning lessons or trying to finish some materials, but because I was taking some time to do what I wanted and watched a movie and listened to some peaceful music.  It was refreshing.  I'm looking forward to sleeping in a little tomorrow and taking care of things a little later.  There are always things to do and places to visit, but for right now, quiet is what I seek. 

Beauty is that which you notice in those quiet times in life.  When things stand still and the normal becomes new and different.  When you learn to appreciate every little thing your eyes seem to fall upon.  When you realize that you haven't been forgotten; in actuality, you have forgotten that you are being taken care of.  That things fall into place.  That worry doesn't accomplish.  That you never knew life would be beyond your expectations.  That love is overwhelming.  That the future is mysteriously intriguing.  And faith, is what carries you through.

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