Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Where has the time gone?

Today we got an email from our PC Country Director telling us that the new U.S. Ambassador is here.  Her name is Phyllis Powers.  Kinda cool to have a lady in power :)  Anyway, she looks like a pretty neat lady and it's nice to have an Ambassador again.  She was the Ambassador for Panama before and here she is in Nicaragua now! 

Another part of the email was talking about how PC invited her to the swearing-in ceremony for the next group of small business and agriculture volunteers which will be in July (they arrive in country as trainees May 9th).  I looked at my calendar and was shocked to see that the new group will be here in 2 weeks!  Yikes!  They swear-in in July, then that means that the new group of TEFL and Environment trainees that replace us will be here in the end of August to start their training.  Oh my gosh.  We only have 6 full months left here in Nicaragua!  That may seem like a long period of time, but holy cow, I can't believe that's all we have left.  There's a light at the end of the tunnel! hahaha  Although there's not much time left, there's still a lot to do, but I'm excited to be at this point in my service.  I wanna soak up what's left and try to do my best with what I have.

As I am a constant organizer/cleaner/packer/or whatever other words there are for that, I have been slowing going through things in my room, dropping off bags at the PC office of things I don't use anymore/extra clothes to give to other PCVs.  I know it may seem a little early, but I'm trying to weed through things so I can take a bag with me when I go with Frank to Maryland in June (oh, did I tell you we're going to Maryland again?) so I can ship things to Oregon since we're planning on traveling a bit through Central America & South America after our service here.  I need to get the stuff I want to keep back to the States so I don't have to drag it all around with me through various countries, on top of buses, etc.  Welp, gotta get going...more adventures to come!