Sunday, October 28, 2012

Lake house

So here we are at the Laguna de Apoyo, a popular attraction amongst PCVs and backpackers, but also the wealthier crowd who can afford to stay in nice large houses on the lake.  Well, we rented a big house and 16 of us are here enjoying a mansion on the lake complete with an infinity pool.  It's a nice treat for the end of our service :)  I don't want to bore you too much with my words, but will leave you with some pictures to show how amazing this place is.

Walking down to the house from the road

Beautiful staircase in the entryway with built-in cabinets and desk underneath

Backyard view.  Seriously?!

Infinity pool over the lake

Back of house

Hanging in the pool

Everybody hanging out

Environment group pic

Found the hot springs


  1. You're right, that looks like a great place...Maybe if we return for a visit ..that will be the place to stay.Love you...

  2. That place was gorgeous!

  3. Yeah, it was pretty awesome! We kept forgetting we were in Nicaragua haha
