Monday, October 15, 2012


So this past Saturday was our big "Despedida" (aka going away party).  Almost all the PCVs in Nica 54 (both mine & Frank's groups) came to Boaco for a big party put on by Edwin & my Access students.  They began with some presentations--sang songs, said nice things, and even did a skit.  They gave me a nice picture of me with the Access students in a frame.  The whole thing was pretty sweet.  Then, they passed out snacks with soda and chatted with the PCVs.

Waiting for the festivities to begin
Watching some presentations
Access students

Wilmer giving a short speech
A couple different groups sang songs
Presenting me with the picture of me with the Access students
Everybody enjoying the entertainment
Folklore dance

Kelli & Julie sharing
Frank was asked to speak as well and he did great :)
And then me...
Let's get this party started!
Edwin organizing the whole event
With some students from the first Access group
Shortly after the students' stuff was over, we politely dismissed them and then had our party.  We started off with dinner then open bar with games & dancing til about 2am.  It was awesome!  I felt a bit dizzy...

Rooftop terrace fun
Dance club action
Melissa & me
Table games...

Monica :)

Not quite sure what they were doing...somebody else had my camera by this time!
Frank & I soaked up all day yesterday to recover from all the partying haha  We even made a nice healthy soup for dinner last night--butternut squash soup with carrots & potatoes.  It was delicious!  I even had my second bowl today with Melissa for lunch after Frank left. 

Now this is where things start to get a little crazy.  Today is Oct. 15th, which means in exactly one month I will be leaving Nicaragua.  Whoa.  Nov. 15th is mine & Frank's COS (close of service) date and we'll be shipping out.  I can't believe it's only one more month, but it still doesn't quite feel real yet.  I'll be traveling to and from Managua the next couple of weeks for appointments, a charla, meetings, etc so I'll be keeping myself busy and I'm sure that will make the time fly by even faster.  I guess I better start packing since I usually do start organizing things at least a month out for big moves like this.  Hmmm....well, I do have a small box nearly ready to ship back of some papers and books and then a few gifts given to me recently.  Hopefully it makes it back in one piece :)