Saturday, September 29, 2012


Ok, so we might have had a little too much fun at a high school anniversary party tonight.  And by a little too much fun, I'll let the pictures explain below.  Basically, it was the anniversary of the Colegio (secondary school) where I teach Access class, and they were doing presentations of the candidates for king & queen for each grade and such.  Edwin of course decorated & he wanted us there for the special event.  So,  we left after dinner (& a few drinks to prepare ourselves) & he even gave me a t-shirt to wear for the ones we were to vote for & some fun party hats.  We didn't actually make it to the voting part since when we got there the primary school part wasn't even over & then about an hour and a half later the secondary school part started.  We left after being there about 2 1/2 hours & eating 3 free desserts haha  We did get permission from Edwin, but sorta raided the dessert table on the way out haha  I have great connections ;)  Well, here we go.....


  1. Were they "sweet" desserts or your classic "nica" desserts..?..I am sure you enjoyed yourself all the same.Love you and hope to talk to you soon.

  2. Haha Good question! They were actually pretty decent and that's why we each had three :) Plus, they were free, so who can pass up free desserts?? haha
