Saturday, September 1, 2012

2 years later

So today is not only the first day of September (Happy September!!), but it's our 2 year anniversary of being here in Nicaragua :)  This day two years ago we arrived in Managua and were whisked away to a hotel in Granada to be told what it means to be a Peace Corps Volunteer.  I remember that day very clearly and the mix of emotions I experienced. I was very nervous and excited at the same time.  The other trainees seemed cool and I was overwhelmed by all that I had already seen and felt.  I took a language test there where I was labeled "novice high" since I had forgotten most of my high school/college Spanish and now I've been given the score of "advanced medium", although I don't think this is my biggest accomplishment or the thing I will remember the most.  Yes, I improved my Spanish and I feel more confident with the language, but there have been so many incredible experiences here that will forever remain tucked into a special place in my heart.

As I think about today and what it means in the whole scheme of things, I feel a true mix of emotions.  It's really starting to feel like the end of my service is close.  Although I have been doing a countdown, there's a time when things start to feel real, like your days are lessening and time is going by too fast for you to see things clearly.

It was really nice to be with all of the other PCVs in my group and reflect on our time here and also talk about future plans. I can't wait to see where our lives will take us.