Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm a Barbie girl

Ok, not really, but I did just purchase something from her line. 

Here's my new PINK fan!  I broke down and finally bought one because the overhead fan in my room didn't really do much and I could only use the dim light in my room otherwise it felt like I was in a disco and the "strobe" light kinda gave me a headache.  Plus, a big thing about having a fan is the noise.  I like the hum, especially at night, and I wasn't getting that from the overhead fan. 

I'm feeling much cooler with this fan, and I'm glad I just bought one.  I was trying to hold out since I only have a couple months left, but what was I thinking?  It's pretty hard to live in Nicaragua without a fan.

Ok, so the reason for the color?  My host sister was with me and convinced me to get this one and I really didn't care about the color.  As long as it worked, I wanted it :)


  1. Looks great....Maybe Ruth had alterior motives...Like,,,Gee what are you going to do with that fan I helped you pick out,,come November???jk......Anywho..been great chatting with you as of late...Always can find time to chat..Love you..

  2. Haha yeah I was thinking the same ;)
