Monday, July 9, 2012

Catching up

Well, I'm back in Nicaragua and it certainly felt weird when I first got here, but now things are slowly starting to feel like normal.  Honestly, I wanted to stay in the States a little longer, extend that vacay, but that just wasn't possible.  So, here I am in Boaco trying to get things organized for the rest of my time here and some things for back home.  Suddenly I feel so overwhelmed with a load of things I have to do.  My research stuff has been going fairly well and I have a meeting about it actually with the PC Country Director.  I just wanna get all that done and over with, but I know that I'll be working on that til next spring when I go back to Gonzaga.  Ugh.  I gotta renew my teaching license as well and I've been waiting to hear back from them, but apparently I can fill out things online, which makes it a little easier.  They still haven't contacted me or sent me the info though which is annoying.  I'm waiting to hear back from Gonzaga too about a transcript issue which I have to wait for in order to submit my teaching license renewal.  Seriously!?  I hate when so many things are out of my control and I'm just waiting for someone to get back to me.  Blah.

Being back here has been pretty good so far.  Loved being greeted by my host family and seeing Frank's too.  I got to see my Access students today and gave them all little American flags.  I'm taking books and newspapers tomorrow.  I have my community class tonight and I can't go to the instituto tomorrow because I have meetings in Managua. 

I'm just feeling anxious to move on.  That might sound bad, but I've been here for a long time now and I just feel ready to get going on the next chapter of my life.  I know I need to enjoy the rest of my time here and finish strong, but I'm just feeling a little blah.  I was having so much fun on vacation and soaking up all the comforts I miss from the USA, but now it's back to "reality", or my reality for the next 4 months.  Ok, I think I can handle that.  Just 4 months left.  Frank and I have been talking about when we want to leave and we need to submit a request soon, so that's kinda cool to think about.  I just feel there's too many things smashed into right now that I gotta get done.  I think the next few months might continue to feel that way though...

My countdown chain is shortening which is fun to see.  Now it's too short for Dyland to reach--he almost broke it once.  I'm sure it looks like a pretty fun toy to him.  Well, actually anything does these days.  He grabs anything and everything. 

I love being here with my host family, but I really miss my home and my family and my friends.  I miss Frank's family & home too.  And, believe it or not, I miss Frank!  It was hard saying goodbye to him Saturday after spending almost 2 whole weeks with him.  It was so nice being able to see him everyday and now it's back to weekends.  I think that's a big part of why I want to be done here, but I know other PCVs that are ready to be done too.

Well, I got all my pictures from the trip posted on Facebook, which took forever.  I wanted to do that before I came back, but just didn't have time, so I had to do it all on my slower internet and my internet browsers are giving me heck so that wasn't too fun.  But, they're on there so it's all done now.  Just going through some videos to post later. 

Ok, well back to work since I have to many things to think about right now. 

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