Friday, November 9, 2012


Frank's dad arrived to Nicaragua safely last night and we got to go out for a nice little dinner around 9pm--Frank and I had a snack earlier so we wouldn't be starving by then haha  It was a nice dinner and one of our PCV friends joined us--she was one of Frank's sitemates in training.

We have an early start today and unfortunately no hot (or even warm) water was to be had.  We'll be leaving Managua around 7:30am for Frank's charla which is in the Masaya area then we'll head over to Granada :)  I'm excited because I haven't been there in awhile & I really love visiting there.

No pictures yet, so I guess that's my goal for today.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you get the chance to hang out with Frank and his dad...Love that you are getting so many blogs in during your last few you and talk soon.
