Thursday, April 26, 2012

Snack fix

I've been in a really snacky mood lately but I haven't really had much around the house to snack on which leaves me grumbling.  I didn't have time was too lazy to go to the store this week so I didn't buy groceries until today and I got a little excited about getting cereal.  I haven't had cereal in a very long time and I kinda missed the simplicity of it and how great of a snack food it is.  I guess it's not really supposed to be a snack food, but I remember staying up late with my mom and getting a big bowl of cereal to watch a couple Friends episodes before bed.  Anyway, I planned on getting cereal, but what kind would I choose?!  Well, since it's pretty much either Corn Flakes or Cocoa Puffs, I chose Cocoa Puffs even though they were a little more expensive.  Cereal is SO expensive here!  Mainly because nobody really eats it, or they're okay with just Corn Flakes. 

Anyway, I didn't end up eating my cereal today as a snack.  I guess I misled you there.  But, I was planning on making some sweets for tonight's English class because it's Edwin's birthday on Saturday and I thought we could celebrate tonight with everybody.  I floated between brownies and cookies for awhile and finally decided on cookies because those are much easier to separate, well because they're already separated in the pan :)  I have such a hard time getting those brownies out of the pan and looking like squares/rectangles.  Anyway, I ate some cookie dough, so if I get sick later we'll all know why, and I ate a few cookies too--gotta test them out before you give them away, right?  Well, indulging in these cookies (and cookie dough) was the perfect fix for what I've been craving.  I just can't say no to cookies, especially oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.  And if we're mentioning my addictions I guess I'll have to throw out ice cream and popcorn as well.  Popcorn has been my go-to snack food lately and I even thought about popping some this afternoon, but I held back as I remembered I ate a whole bag yesterday. By myself.  I'm surprised I don't weigh 500 pounds.  Seriously.  I gotta exercise extra hard this week!  I haven't been an A student with that lately.  I blame sickness as the #1 culprit and laziness as a very close #2.  Oops. 

Well, now that I got that lovely little bout of sugar and chocolate endorphins--they're really in there!--I'm much better now and ready to conquer class.  Ha!  I did have some delicious grilled pork tonight for dinner too; it's not just about the sweets.  I caved and bought out for dinner but I never do that in my site so I approved.  

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