Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Just a little shout out to Skype today because it has connected me to my family and friends in so many ways.  I'm really grateful for it because I've been able to talk to and see people from home, which has been a huge blessing!  Today I did a little Skype session with some people from Gonzaga about teaching overseas.  It was fun to see a familiar face and share some things with new people--some interested in doing the Teaching English program at Gonzaga and Peace Corps.  Exciting :)  Monday I got to chat with one of my good friends from Spokane--love that girl!  I got to meet her new baby too--so sweet.  Family and friends are very important to me and being able to stay in touch with everyone while I'm so far away is so great.  Definitely feel blessed to have this opportunity. 

1 comment:

  1. I may be their biggest fan!! Without it, do you think you'd be there still.? it and love you...
