I met the principal of our high school today. Everything was low key, laid back. My counterpart was wearing jeans and a t-shirt so I wasn't too worried. The new principal is really nice and even tried out some English words. He really made me feel welcomed, unlike the last principal who started off the meeting complaining about not being notified I was coming...
Anyway, I also met another English professor that will be covering some sections that my counterparts cannot, so I might be working with her too. They don´t have the schedule yet, just what grades each of them will be teaching. So, when they do get the schedule worked out, we´re going to get together and talk about what classes I will be helping out with. They want me to work with the first few grades (7th, 8th, and maybe 9th) so we can begin with students as they begin their high school career. This will hopefully ensure that they will have a good foundation to build off of for the next years. I'm excited because I wanted to work with the younger students :) I was a little nervous thinking about starting, but now I'm just really excited to make the schedule (part of my obsession with organizing) and get to work!
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