So sickness hit me after riding in a truck with high winds and cool air for about 2 1/2 hours and I've been laying low for the past few days. It's a head cold so I haven't had much energy, but I hate being cooped up in the house all day so I didn't rest as much as I should have. I lost my appetite in the middle of the day the past two days and I could tell my host mom was worried about me, but I just wasn't feeling like myself. I got some medicine and it's getting a little better. What started out with a headache, sneezes, and sinus pressure, has moved down to my throat and lots of coughs. My voice was scratchy last night and I thought it was as good as gone, but it came back today. My ears were plugged and my nose has been a little stuffy, but as the day progresses, the symptoms lessen, thankfully :) I hope I'll be back to my normal self soon because I have been wanting to get back into my workout routine.
Today was pretty fun because we had a little get together with the Boaco PCV's. We all met here in Boaco and went to Steve's (small business volunteer) house and then disbursed to explore the town a little for those who haven't been here before. It was neat because I got to play tour guide :) I like being the leader, but it was a little hard with my scratchy voice and plugged ears haha Anyway, we ended up going back to Boaco arriba to La Pizzeria which is owned by a gringo. We had to wait awhile, but it was great pizza--well worth the wait and it wasn't that expensive. I certainly can't eat there everyday on a PCV's budget, but if anybody wants to visit, we are going!
So, there's not much else going on right now...there are some more Catholic holidays coming up--I can't keep up with all of them! We'll probably go around and visit houses and eat lots of food--that's an international rule for holidays :)
I found out that my host mom's mom (my abuela--grandma) has wireless internet in her house, what?! Yeah, and she only lives a few blocks away so I'm thinking I'll be visiting grandma more often ;) Her daughter and her kids live there too so that's why they have internet, but I was definitely excited to find that out. My friend who worked at one of the cybers here in Boaco did let me use the internet there for free, but he doesn't work there anymore--not because he got fired for not charging me haha He's doing something else, but I can't remember right now.
Well, that's all the news for now; make sure you add me to your list for Christmas cards! (The Boaco address)
of course we will add you to our card list....great talking to you today,love to hear from you anytime,,,take care of the cold...chin you much.