I had another successful English class, but it was not without frustrations. We did a lot of review, which is very important, to reinforce the new vocabulary and grammar. However, my counterpart and I still need to work on co-teaching. I feel like I’m teaching the whole class and she’s my assistant teacher, which is not the way it’s supposed to be. Hopefully we can figure this out so we can work together. It’s difficult because I don’t think she has co-taught before, and the school system is very different here, as well as the culture. There are many factors that we have to consider, but we can definitely work through this.
Sometimes it's just easier to assign different activities to each person and alternate. It's also important that all the students see you both as equal authority figures.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the advice. We actually did assign different activities so that we would alternate, but when I tried to pass on the lesson to her, she would not take it. She just kept telling me that the students were ready so I could begin the next part. Weird :( hahaha Are you working with a counterpart at all, or you by yourself? How are things going?