While hanging out in my room doing pretty much nothing (well I was working on a powerpoint for my program), my friend emailed me to ask what I was doing today. I had been telling him I was so busy and couldn't hang out for almost the past two weeks as I was swamped being Haidy's personal assistant, so I felt relieved to say I was doing NOTHING :) It was a little chilly to play tennis and I rain clouds were looming above, so we decided to go to Starbucks for a cafe. By the way, this friend of mine is from Mexico and he talks to me primarily in Spanish. It's definitely good practice for me. He is a seminary student at Gonzaga and he just graduated from our English Language Center (where I tutor).
Anyway, we went to Starbucks and sat and talked in Spanish for about an hour and half. It was so fun because I've always been so jealous of people in public places having conversations in languages that I couldn't understand, and now that was me! hahaha We had a good time. During our conversation, food came up and we started talking about favorite Mexican foods. I love tortas and I remembered that Isaac told me that he would make me a torta sometime. Well, as it was close to dinnertime, I suggested that he make one for me tonight. Yes, I can be a little direct haha So, we went to a Mexican grocery store and the butcher joked around with us in Spanish and we shopped for the ingredients to make our tortas. We came back to my house and started making tortas. Isaac took on the meat, while I cut up the onion (had to stop because I started crying haha) and then I cut the avocado and tomatoes. He cooked the meat and onions together and then I lightly toasted the bread in the oven, spread some mayonnaise on it, and then avocado. The meat was done so he put the meat and onions on the bread, then I put tomatoes and lettuce. Oh my gosh they were SOOOO delicious!!
We were of course full beyond belief and chatted for awhile, in Spanglish, because after talking in a second language for that long it can be very tiring!! Then I taught him a saying I like to live by: "No matter how full you are, there's always room for ice cream" :) So, we made some ice cream sundaes of course. We then parted ways because although it was a fun day, I was extremely tired! This was a good kind of tired. A tired that leaves you feeling happy and like you have accomplished a lot. After all of the crazy busy weeks I've had, this was a good kind of exhaustion. I'm really looking forward to making tortas again, so let me know if this blog made your mouth water :)
those torta's look amazing! yum