Friday, October 29, 2010

My Site!

I found out my site today.  It wasn't what I was thinking, but one that I had considered.  I'm being optimistic though because I think it will be a great place for me.  My site is: Boaco, Boaco.  I've heard that it can be a little cooler which would be nice.  It's known as the town of two floors because it is in a mountainous region with part of the city on the hill and the rest on a lower area.  Next week we get to do site visits so I'm excited to see what it will be like and to meet my new family and counterparts :) 


  1. Wow. Big step for you :) I hope this site is challenging, yet filled with support so that it can be successful for everyone.

  2. Sounds interesting. I have read about towns in Greece where they are on different levels. Lots of exercise my friend!

  3. Thanks Ruey :)

    I'm excited for more exercise--good way to think about it :)

  4. Congrats! I hope you like it a lot. Will you live with a host-family for the whole two years?

  5. We have to live with a host family for the first 6 weeks and we are encouraged to stay with the family for the 2 years. I'm planning on staying with the family so I can practice and improve my Spanish.
